Below are the 258 publications which document our TDS research efforts throughout the years.
Appropriately reflecting our dissemination strategy, we currently have published 115 journal articles,
91 conferences proceedings, 2 books,
27 book chapters, and 23
non-peer reviewed publications such as pre-prints, magazine articles, and technical reports.
Under review
- Achterberg,J., Haas,M., van Dijk,B., & Spruit,M. (under review). Utility is all you need: fidelity-agnostic synthetic data generation. 10.21203/
- Van Dijk,B., Lefebvre,A., & Spruit,M. (under review). Welzijn.AI: A Conversational AI System for Monitoring Mental Well-being and a Use Case for Responsible AI Development. arXiv.2502.07983
- Rijcken,E., Zervanou,K., Mosteiro,P., Scheepers,F., Spruit,M., & Kaymak,U. (2025). Machine Learning vs. Rule-Based Methods for Document Classification of Electronic Health Records within Mental Health Care - A Systematic Literature Review. Natural Language Processing Journal, 10, 100129. 10.1016/j.nlp.2025.100129
- Alfaraj,S., Kist,J., Groenwold,R., Spruit,M., Mook-Kanamori,D., & Vos,R. (2024). External validation of SCORE2-Diabetes in the Netherlands across various Socioeconomic levels in native-Dutch and non-Dutch populations. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, zwae354. 10.1093/eurjpc/zwae354
- Roorda,E., Bruijnzeels,M., Struijs,J., & Spruit,M. (2024). Business Intelligence Systems for Population Health Management: A Scoping Review. JAMIA Open, 7(4), ooae122. 10.1093/jamiaopen/ooae122
- Drougkas,G., Bakker,E., & Spruit,M. (2024). Multimodal Machine Learning for Language and Speech Markers Identification in Mental Health. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 24, 354. 10.1186/s12911-024-02772-0
- Álvarez-Chaves,H., Spruit,M., & R-Moreno,M. (2024). Improving ED admissions forecasting by using generative AI: An approach based on DGAN. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 256, 108363. 10.1016/j.cmpb.2024.108363
- Achterberg,J., Haas,M., & Spruit,M. (2024). On the evaluation of synthetic longitudinal electronic health records. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 24, 181. 10.1186/s12874-024-02304-4
- Haastrecht,M. van, Haas,M., Brinkhuis,M., & Spruit,M. (2024). Understanding Validity Criteria in Technology-Enhanced Learning: A Systematic Literature Review. Computers & Education, 220, 105128. 10.1016/j.compedu.2024.105128
- Rijcken,E., Zervanou,K., Mosteiro,P., Scheepers,F., Spruit,M., & Kaymak,U. (2024). Topic Specificity: a Descriptive Metric for Algorithm Selection and Finding the Right Number of Topics. Natural Language Processing Journal, 8, 100082. 10.1016/j.nlp.2024.100082
- Muizelaar,H., Haas,M., van Dortmont,K., van der Putten,P., & Spruit,M. (2024). Extracting Patient Lifestyle Characteristics from Dutch Clinical Text with BERT Models. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 24, 151. 10.1186/s12911-024-02557-5
- Khalil, S., Tawfik,N., & Spruit,M. (2024). Federated learning for privacy-preserving depression detection with multilingual language models in social media posts. Patterns, 5, 100990. 10.1016/j.patter.2024.100990
- Khalil, S., Tawfik,N., & Spruit,M. (2024). Exploring the Potential of Federated Learning in Mental Health Research: A Systematic Literature Review. Applied Intelligence, 54, 1619-1636. 10.1007/s10489-023-05095-1
- Jungo,K., Salari,P., Meier,R., Bagattini,M., Spruit,M., Rodondi,N., Streit,S., & Schwenkglenks,M. (2024). Cost-effectiveness of a medication review intervention for general practitioners and their multimorbid older patients with polypharmacy: Analysis of data from the OPTICA trial. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 92, 101837. 10.1016/j.seps.2024.101837
- Jungo,K., Deml,M., Schalbetter,F., Moor,J., Feller,M., Lüthold,R., Huibers,J., Sallevelt,B., Meulendijk,M., Spruit,M., Schwenkglenks,M., Rodondi,N., & Streit,S. (2024). A mixed methods analysis of the medication review intervention centered around the use of the Systematic Tool to Reduce Inappropriate Prescribing Assistant (STRIPA) in Swiss primary care practices. BMC Health Services Research, 24, article number 350. 10.1186/s12913-024-10773-y
- Jungo,K., Ansorg,A., Floriani,C., Rozsnyai,Z., Schwab,N., Meier,R., Valeri,F., Stalder,O., Limacher,A., Schneider,C., Bagattini,M., Trelle,S., Spruit,M., Schwenkglenks,M., Rodondi,N., Streit,S. (2023). Optimising prescribing in older adults with multimorbidity and polypharmacy in primary care (OPTICA): cluster randomised clinical trial. BMJ, 381, e074054. 10.1136/bmj-2022-074054
- Lefebvre,A., & Spruit,M. (2023). Laboratory forensics for open science readiness: an investigative approach to research data management. Information Systems Frontiers, 25, 381-399. 10.1007/s10796-021-10165-1
- Ferguson,R., Khosravi,H., Kovanovic,V., Viberg,O., Aggarwal,A., Brinkhuis,M., Shum,S., Chen,L., Drachsler,H., Guerrero,V., Hanses,M., Hayward,C., Hicks,B., Jivet,I., Kitto,K., Kizilcec,R., Lodge,J., Manly,C., Matz,R., Meaney,M., Ochoa,X., Schuetze,B., Spruit,M., van Haastrecht,H., van Leeuwen,A., van Rijn,L., Tsai,Y., Weidlich,J., Williamson,K., & Yan,V. (2023). Aligning the Goals of Learning Analytics with its Research Scholarship: An Open Peer Commentary Approach. Journal of Learning Analytics, 10(2), 10-50. 10.18608/jla.2023.8197
- Haastrecht,M., Brinkhuis,M., Wools,S., & Spruit,M. (2023). VAST: a practical validation framework for e-assessment solutions. Information Systems and e-Business Management, 21, 603-627. 10.1007/s10257-023-00641-3
- Yigit Ozkan,B., & Spruit,M. (2023). Adaptable Security Maturity Assessment and Standardization for Digital SMEs. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 63(4), 965-987. 10.1080/08874417.2022.2119442
- Ardesch,F., Meulendijk,M., Kist,J., Vos,R., Vos,H., Kiefte-de Jong,J., Spruit,M., Bruijnzeels,M., Bussemaker,J., Numans,M., & Struijs,J. (2023). A data-driven population health management approach: The extramural LUMC academic network data infrastructure. Health Policy, 132, 104769. 10.1016/j.healthpol.2023.104769
- van Toledo, C., Schraagen, M., van Dijk, F., Brinkhuis, M., & Spruit, M. (2023). Readability Metrics for Machine Translation in Dutch: Google vs. Azure & IBM. Applied Sciences, 13(7), 4444. 10.3390/app13074444
- van Dijk,F., Gadellaa,J., Spruit,M., van Toledo,C., Brinkkemper,S., & Brinkhuis,M. (2023). Uncovering the Structures of Privacy Research using Bibliometric Network Analysis and Topic Modelling. Organizational Cybersecurity Journal: Practice, Process and People, 3(2), 81-99. 10.1108/ocj-11-2021-0034
- Borger,T., Mosteiro,P., Kaya,H., Rijcken,E., Salah,A., Scheepers,F., & Spruit,M. (2022). Federated Learning for Violence Incident Prediction in a Simulated Cross-institutional Psychiatric Setting. Expert Systems with Applications, 199, 116720. 10.1016/j.eswa.2022.116720
- Spruit,M., Verkleij,S., Schepper,C. de, & Scheepers,F. (2022). Exploring Language Markers of Mental Health in Psychiatric Stories. Applied Sciences, 12(4), Current Approaches and Applications in Natural Language Processing, 2179. 10.3390/app12042179
- Siegersma,K., Evers,M., Bots,S., Groepenhoff,F., Appelman,Y., Hofstra,L., Tulevski,I., Somsen,A., Den Ruijter,H., Spruit,M.*, & Onland-Moret,C.* (2022). Adverse Drug Reactions Identification in clinical Notes (ADRIN): Word embedding models and string matching. JMIR Medical Informatics, 10(1), e31063.
- Mosteiro,P., Kuiper,J., Masthoff,J., Scheepers,F., & Spruit,M. (2022). Bias Discovery in Machine Learning Models for Mental Health. Information, 13(5), Advances in Explainable Artificial Intelligence, 237. 10.3390/info13050237
- Toledo, C. van, Schraagen,M., Dijk,F. van, Brinkhuis,M., & Spruit,M. (2022). Exploring the Utility of Dutch Question Answering Datasets for Human Resource Contact Centres. Information, 13(11), Novel Methods and Applications in Natural Language Processing, 513. 10.3390/info13110513
- Rijcken,E., Kaymak,U., Scheepers,F., Mosteiro,P., Zervanou,K., & Spruit,M. (2022). Topic Modeling for Interpretable Text Classification from EHRs. Frontiers in Big Data, Section Data Mining and Management, 846930. 10.3389/fdata.2022.846930
- Blum,M., Sallevelt,B., Spinewine,A., O'Mahony,D., Moutzouri,E., Feller,M., Baumgartner,C., Roumet,M., Jungo,K., Schwab,N., Bretagne,L., Beglinger,S., Aubert,C., Wilting,I., Thevelin,S., Murphy,K., Huibers,C., Drenth-van Maanen,C., Boland,B., Crowley,E., Eichenberger,A., Meulendijk,M., Jennings,E., Adam,L., Roos,M., Gleeson,L., Shen,Z., Marien,S., Meinders,A., Baretella,O., Netzer,S., Montmollin,M., Fournier,A., Mouzon,A., O'Mahony,C., Aujesky,D., Mavridis,D., Byrne,S., Jansen,P., Schwenkglenks,M., Spruit,M., Dalleur,O., Knol,W., Trelle,S., & Rodondi,N. (2021). Optimizing Therapy to Prevent Avoidable Hospital Admissions in Multimorbid Older Adults (OPERAM): Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial. BMJ, 374(n1585). 10.1136/bmj.n1585
- Sarhan,I., & Spruit,M. (2021). Open-CyKG: An Open Cyber Threat Intelligence Knowledge Graph. Knowledge-Based Systems, 233(107524). 10.1016/j.knosys.2021.107524
- Sallevelt,B., Huibers,C., Heij,J., Egberts,T., Puijenbroek,E. van, Shen,Z., Spruit,M., Jungo,K., Rodondi,N., Dalleur,O., Spinewine,A. Jennings,E., O'Mahony,D., Wilting,I., & Knol,W. (2021). Frequency and Acceptance of Clinical Decision Support System-Generated STOPP/START Signals for Hospitalised Older Patients with Polypharmacy and Multimorbidity. Drugs & Aging, 39, 59-73. 10.1007/s40266-021-00904-z
- Shen,Z., & Spruit,M. (2021). Automatic Extraction of Adverse Drug Reactions from Summary of Product Characteristics. Applied Sciences, 11(6), Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Pharmaceutics, 2663. 10.3390/app11062663
- Haastrecht,M. van, Yigit Ozkan,B., Brinkhuis,M., & Spruit,M. (2021). Respite for SMEs: A Systematic Review of Socio-Technical Cybersecurity Metrics. Applied Sciences, 11(15), Human Factors in the Digital Society, 6909. 10.3390/app11156909
- Jungo, K., Meier,R., Valeri,F., Schwab,N., Schneider,C., Reeve,E., Spruit,M., Schwenkglenks,M., Rodondi,N., & Streit,S. (2021). Baseline characteristics and comparability of older multimorbid patients with polypharmacy and general practitioners participating in a randomized controlled primary care trial. BMC Family Practice, 22(123). 10.1186/s12875-021-01488-8
- Haastrecht,M. van, Gulpur,G., Tzismadia,G., Kab,R., Priboi,C., David,D., Racataian,A., Baumgartner,L., Fricker,S., Ruiz,J., Armas,E., Brinkhuis,M., & Spruit,M. (2021). A Shared Cyber Threat Intelligence Solution for SMEs. Electronics, 10(23), Emerging Applications of Information Security Technology in Digital Environment, 2913. 10.3390/electronics10232913
- Mosteiro,P., Rijcken,E., Zervanou,K., Kaymak,U., Scheepers,F., & Spruit,M. (2021). Machine Learning for Violence Risk Assessment Using Dutch Clinical Notes. Journal of Artificial Intelligence for Medical Sciences, 2(1-2), 44-54. 10.2991/jaims.d.210225.001
- Felix,S., Bagheri,A., Ramjankhan,F., Spruit,M., Oberski,D., Jonge,N. de, Laake, L. van, Suyker,W., & Asselbergs,F. (2021). A Data Mining-based Cross-Industry Process for Predicting Major Bleeding in Mechanical Circulatory Support. European Heart Journal - Digital Health, 2(4). 10.1093/ehjdh/ztab082
- Haastrecht,M. van, Sarhan,I., Yigit Ozkan,B., Brinkhuis,M., & Spruit,M. (2021). SYMBALS: A Systematic Review Methodology Blending Active Learning and Snowballing. Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics, 6, Section Text-mining and Literature-based Discovery. 10.3389/frma.2021.685591
- Smit,T., Haastrecht,M. van, & Spruit,M. (2021). The Effect of Countermeasure Readability on Security Intentions. Journal of Cybersecurity and Privacy, 1, Cyber Situational Awareness Techniques and Human Factors, 675-704. 10.3390/jcp1040034
- Yigit Ozkan,B., van Lingen,S., & Spruit,M. (2021). The Cybersecurity Focus Area Maturity (CYSFAM) Model. Journal of Cybersecurity and Privacy, 1, 119-140. 10.3390/jcp1010007
- Spruit,M., Kais,M., & Menger,V. (2021). Automated Business Goal Extraction from E-mail Repositories to Bootstrap Business Understanding. Future Internet, 13(10), Trends of Data Science and Knowledge Discovery, 243. 10.3390/fi13100243
- Tawfik,N., & Spruit,M. (2020). Evaluating Sentence Representations for Biomedical Text: Methods and Experimental Results. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 104(April), 103396. 10.1016/j.jbi.2020.103396
- Meppelink,J., Langen,J. van, Siebes,A., & Spruit,M. (2020). Beware Thy Bias: Scaling Mobile Phone Data to Measure Traffic Intensities. Sustainability, 12(9), Exploring the Impact of AI on Politics and Society , 3631. 10.3390/su12093631
- Omta,W., van Heesbeen,R, Shen,Z., de Nobel,J., van der Velden,L., Medema,R., Siebes,A., Feelders,A., Brinkkemper,S., Klumperman,J., Spruit,M., Brinkhuis,M., & Egan,D. (2020). Combining Supervised and Unsupervised Machine Learning Methods for Phenotypic Functional Genomics Screening. SLAS Discovery, 25(6), 655-664. 10.1177/2472555220919345
- Ooms,R., & Spruit,M. (2020). Self-Service Data Science in Healthcare with Automated Machine Learning. Applied Sciences, 10(9), Medical Artificial Intelligence, 2992. 10.3390/app10092992
- Sarhan,I., & Spruit,M. (2020). Can We Survive without Labelled Data in NLP? Transfer Learning for Open Information Extraction . Applied Sciences, 10(17), Natural Language Processing: Emerging Neural Approaches and Applications, 5758. 10.3390/app10175758
- Tawfik,N., & Spruit,M. (2020). Computer-Assisted Relevance Assessment: A Case Study of Updating Systematic Medical Reviews. Applied Sciences, 10(8), Data Technology Applications in Life, Diseases, and Health, 2845. 10.3390/app10082845
- Crowley,E., Sallevelt,B., Huibers,C., Murphy,K., Spruit,M., Shen,Z., Boland,B., Spinewine,A., Dalleur,O., Moutzouri,E., Lowe,A., Feller,M., Schwab,N., Adam,L., Wilting,I., Knol,W., Rodondi,N., Byrne,S., & O'Mahony,D. (2020). Intervention protocol: OPtimising thERapy to prevent avoidable hospital Admission in the Multi-morbid elderly (OPERAM): a structured medication review with support of a computerised decision support system. BMC Health Services Research, 20(220). 10.1186/s12913-020-5056-3
- Lefebvre,A., Bakhtiari,B., & Spruit,M. (2020). Exploring Research Data Management Planning Challenges in Practice. IT - Information Technology, 62(1), 29-37. 10.1515/itit-2019-0029
- Omta,W., Heesbeen,R. van, Shen,I., Feelders,A., Brinkhuis,M., Egan,D., & Spruit,M. (2020). PurifyR: An R Package for Highly Automated Reproducible Variable Extraction and Standardization. Systems Medicine, 3(1), Integrative Data Analysis in Systems Medicine, 1-7. 10.1089/sysm.2019.0007
- Spruit,M., & Ferati,D. (2020). Text Mining Business Policy Documents: Applied Data Science in Finance. International Journal of Business Intelligence Research, 11(2), 1-19. 10.4018/IJBIR.20200701.oa1
- Toledo,C. van, Dijk,F. van, & Spruit,M. (2020). Dutch Named Entity Recognition and De-identification Methods for the Human Resource Domain. International Journal on Natural Language Computing, 9(6). 10.5121/ijnlc.2020.9602
- Syed,S., Aodha,L., Scougal,C., & Spruit,M. (2019). Mapping the global network of fisheries science collaboration. Fish and Fisheries, 20(5), 830-856. 10.1111/faf.12379
- Yigit Ozkan,B., Spruit,M., Wondolleck,R., & Burriel Coll,V. (2019). Modelling adaptive information security for SMEs in a cluster. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 21(1). 10.1108/JIC-05-2019-0128
- Jungo,K., Rozsnyai,Z., Mantelli,S., Floriani,C., Lowe,A., Lindemann,F., Schwab,N., Meier,R. Elloumi,L., Huibers,C., Sallevelt,B., Meulendijk,M., Reeve,E., Feller,M., Schneider,C., Bhend,H., Burki,P., Trelle,S., Spruit,M., Schwenkglenks,M., Rodondi,N., & Streit,S. (2019). Optimising PharmacoTherapy In the multimorbid elderly in primary CAre (OPTICA) to improve medication appropriateness: study protocol of a cluster randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open, 9, e031080. 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-031080
- Adam,L., Moutzouri,E., Baumgartner,C., Lowe,A., Feller,M., M'Rabet-Bensalah,K., Schwab,N., Hossmann,S., Schneider,C., Jegerlehner,S., Floriani,C., Limacher,A., Jungo,K., Huibers,C., Streit,S., Schwenkglenks,M., Spruit,M., Van Dorland,A., Donzé1,J., Kearney,P., Jüni,P., Aujesky,D., Jansen,P., Boland,B., Dalleur,O., Byrne,S., Knol,W., Spinewine1,A., O'Mahony,D., Trelle,S., & Rodondi,N. (2019). Rationale and design of OPtimising thERapy to prevent Avoidable hospital admissions in Multimorbid older people (OPERAM): a cluster randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open, 9, e02676. 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-026769
- Shen,Z., & Spruit,M. (2019). A systematic review on open source clinical software on GitHub for improving software reuse in smart healthcare . Applied Sciences, 9, Data Analytics in Smart Healthcare, 150.
- Shen,Z., Krimpen,H. van, & Spruit,M. (2019). A lightweight API-based approach for building flexible clinical NLP systems. Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 11, Article ID 3435609. 10.1155/2019/3435609
- Menger,V., Spruit,M., Est,R. van, Nap,E., & Scheepers,F. (2019). Machine Learning Approach to Inpatient Violence Risk Assessment Using Routinely Collected Clinical Notes in Electronic Health Records. JAMA Network Open, 2(7), e196709. 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2019.6709
- Ooms,R., Spruit,M., & Overbeek,S. (2019). 3PM Revisited: Dissecting the Three Phases Method for Outsourcing Knowledge Discovery. International Journal of Business Intelligence Research, 10(1), 80-93. 10.4018/IJBIR.2019010105
- Yigit Ozkan,B., & Spruit,M. (2019). Cybersecurity Standardisation for SMEs: The Stakeholders' Perspectives and a Research Agenda. International Journal of Standardization Research, 17(2), 1-25. 10.4018/IJSR.20190701.oa1
- Spruit,M., & Lytras,M. (2018). Applied Data Science in Patient-centric Healthcare: Adaptive Analytic Systems for Empowering Physicians and Patients. Telematics and Informatics, 35(4), 643-653. 10.1016/j.tele.2018.04.002
- Syed,S., Borit,M., & Spruit,M. (2018). Narrow lenses for capturing fisheries complexity: A topic analysis of fisheries science from 1990 to 2016. Fish and Fisheries 19(4), 643-661. 10.1111/faf.12280
- Homberg,M. van den, Monné,R., & Spruit,M. (2018). Bridging the information gap of disaster responders by optimizing data selection using cost and quality. Computer & Geosciences, 120, 60-72. 10.1016/j.cageo.2018.06.002
- Menger,V., Scheepers,F., & Spruit,M. (2018). Comparing Deep Learning and Classical Machine Learning Approaches for Predicting Inpatient Violence Incidents from Clinical Text. Applied Sciences, 8(6), Data Analytics in Smart Healthcare, 981. 10.3390/app8060981
- Menger,V., Scheepers,F., Wijk,L. van, & Spruit,M. (2018). DEDUCE: A pattern matching method for automatic de-identification of Dutch medical text. Telematics and Informatics, 35(4), 727-736. 10.1016/j.tele.2017.08.002
- Seddik Tawfik,N., & Spruit,M. (2018). The SNPCurator: Literature mining of SNP disease association. Database: The Journal of Biological Databases and Curation, 2018, bay020. 10.1093/database/bay020
- Pieket Weeserik,B., & Spruit,M. (2018). Improving Operational Risk Management using Business Performance Management technologies. Sustainability, 10(3), 640. 10.3390/su10030640
- Syed,S., & Spruit,M. (2018). Exploring Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Dirichlet Priors for Latent Dirichlet Allocation. International Journal of Semantic Computing, 12(3), 1-25. 10.1142/S1793351X18400184
- Buijs,M., & Spruit,M. (2017). Asynchronous social search as a single point of access to information. Library Hi Tech, 35(4), 656-671. 10.1108/LHT-01-2017-0007
- Omta,W., Nobel,J. de, Klumperman,J., Egan,D., Spruit.M., & Brinkhuis,M. (2017). Improving Comprehension Efficiency of HCS Data Through Interactive Visualizations. ASSAY and Drug Development Technologies, 15(6), 247-256. 10.1089/adt.2017.794
- Meulendijk,M., Spruit,M., Lefebvre,A., & Brinkkemper,S. (2017). To what extent can prescriptions be meaningfully exchanged between primary care terminologies? A case study of four Western European classification systems. IET Software, 11(5), 256-264. 10.1049/iet-sen.2016.0301
- Meulendijk,M., Spruit,M., Willeboordse,F., Numans,M., Brinkkemper,S., Knol,W., Jansen,P., & Askari,M. (2016). Efficiency of clinical decision support systems improves with experience. Journal of Medical Systems, 40(4), 1-7. 10.1007/s10916-015-0423-z
- Eskes,P., Spruit,M., Brinkkemper,S., Vorstman,J., & Kas,M. (2016). The Sociability Score: App-based social profiling from a healthcare perspective. Computers in Human Behavior , 59, 39-48. 10.1016/j.chb.2016.01.024
- Omta,W., Heesbeen,R. van, Pagliero,R., Velden,L. van der, Lelieveld,D., Nellen,M., Kramer,M., Yeong,M., Saeidi,A., Medema,R., Spruit,M., Brinkkemper,S., Klumperman,J., & Egan,D. (2016). HC StratoMineR: A web-based tool for the rapid analysis of high content datasets. ASSAY and Drug Development Technologies, 14(8), 439-452. 10.1089/adt.2016.726
- Menger,V., Spruit,M., Hagoort,K., & Scheepers,F. (2016). Transitioning to a data driven mental health practice: collaborative expert sessions for knowledge and hypothesis finding. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, 11, 9089321. 10.1155/2016/9089321
- Mijnhardt,F., Baars,T., & Spruit,M. (2016). Organizational Characteristics Influencing SME Information Security Maturity. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 56(2), 106-115. 10.1080/08874417.2016.1117369
- Baars,T., Mijnhardt,F., Vlaanderen,K., & Spruit,M. (2016). An Analytics Approach to Adaptive Maturity Models using Organizational Characteristics. Decision Analytics, 3(5). 10.1186/s40165-016-0022-1
- Stroe,A., Spruit,M., Koelemeijer,S., & Beltman,B. (2016). PMOMM: The Project Management Office Maturity Model. International Journal of Knowledge Society Research, 7(3), 47-61. 10.4018/IJKSR.2016070104
- Spruit,M., & Pietzka,K. (2015). MD3M: The Master Data Management Maturity Model. Computers in Human Behavior, 51(B), 1068-1076. 10.1016/j.chb.2014.09.030
- Meulendijk,M., Spruit,M., Drenth-van Maanen,C., Numans,M., Brinkkemper,S., Jansen,P., & Knol,W (2015). Computerized decision support improves medication review effectiveness: an experiment evaluating the STRIP Assistant's usability. Drugs & Aging, 32(6), 495-503. 10.1007/s40266-015-0270-0
- Spruit,M., & Sacu,C. (2015). DWCMM: The Data Warehouse Capability Maturity Model. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 21(11), 1508-1534. 10.3217/jucs-021-11-1508
- Spruit,M., & Vlug,B. (2015). Effective and Efficient Classification of Topically-Enriched Domain-Specific Text Snippets. International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences, 6(3), 1-17. 10.4018/IJSDS.2015070101
- Spruit,M., & Adriana,T. (2015). Quantifying education quality in secondary schools. International Journal of Knowledge Society Research, 6(1), 55-87.
- Otten,S., Spruit,M., & Helms,R. (2015). Towards decision analytics in product portfolio management. Decision Analytics, 2(4). 10.1186/s40165-015-0013-7
- Pachidi,S., & Spruit,M. (2015). The Performance Mining method: Extracting performance knowledge from software operation data. International Journal of Business Intelligence Research, 6(1), 11-29. 10.4018/IJBIR.2015010102
- Christoulakis,M., Spruit,M., & Dijk,J. van (2015). Data Quality Management in the public domain: A case study within the Dutch Justice System. International Journal of Information Quality, 4(1), 1-17. 10.1504/IJIQ.2015.071672
- Spruit,M., Vroon,R., & Batenburg,R. (2014). Towards healthcare business intelligence in long-term care: an explorative case study in the Netherlands. Computers in Human Behavior, 30, Special Issue: ICTs for Human Capital, 698-707. 10.1016/j.chb.2013.07.038
- Fotaki,G., Spruit,M., Brinkkemper,S., & Meijer,D. (2014). Exploring big data opportunities for online customer segmentation. International Journal of Business Intelligence Research, 5(3), 57-73. 10.4018/ijbir.2014070105
- Spruit,M., & Boer,T. de (2014). Business Intelligence as a Service: A Vendor's Approach. International Journal of Business Intelligence Research, 5(4), 26-43. 10.4018/IJBIR.2014100103
- Maass,D., Spruit,M., & Waal,P. de (2014). Improving Short-Term Demand Forecasting For Short-Lifecycle Consumer Products With Data Mining Techniques: A Case Study In The Retail Industry. Decision Analytics, 1(1), 4. 10.1186/2193-8636-1-4
- Pachidi,S., Spruit,M., & Weerd,I. van der (2014). Understanding Users' Behavior with Software Operation Data Mining. Computers in Human Behavior, 30, Special Issue: ICTs for Human Capital, 583-594. 10.1016/j.chb.2013.07.049
- Snijders,R., & Spruit,M. (2014). Towards Improved Music Recommendation: Using Blogs And Micro-Blogs. International Journal of Multimedia Data Engineering and Management , 5(1), 34-51. 10.4018/ijmdem.2014010103
- Meulendijk,M., Spruit,M., Drenth-van-Maanen,A., Numans,M., Brinkkemper,S., & Jansen,P. (2013). General practitioners' attitudes towards decision-supported prescribing: an analysis of the Dutch primary care sector. Health Informatics Journal, 19(4), 247-263. 10.1177/1460458212472333
- Verkooij,K., & Spruit,M. (2013). Mobile Business Intelligence: Key considerations for implementation projects. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 54(1), 23-33. 10.1080/08874417.2013.11645668
- Omta,W., Egan,D., Klumperman,J., Spruit,M., & Brinkkemper,S. (2013). HTS-IA: High Throughput Screening Information Architecture for Genomics. International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics, 8(4), 17-31. 10.4018/IJHISI
- Smeitink,M., & Spruit,M. (2013). Maturity for Sustainability in IT: Introducing the MITS. International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach, 6(1), IT goes Green: Systemic Approaches to IT Policy Making, Design, Evaluation and Management, 39-56. 10.4018/jitsa.2013010103
- Baars,T., & Spruit,M. (2012). Analysing the Security Risks of Cloud Adoption Using the SeCA Model: A Case Study. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 18(12), Security in Information Systems, Published 6/28/2012, 1662-1678. 10.3217/jucs-018-12-1662
- Spruit,M., & Abdat,N. (2012). The Pricing Strategy Guideline Framework for SaaS Vendors. International Journal of Strategic Information Technology and Applications, 3(1), January-March 2012, 38-54. 10.4018/jsita.2012010103
- Spruit,M., & Bruijn,W. de (2012). CITS:The Cost of IT Security Framework. International Journal of Information Security and Privacy, 6(4), October-December 2012, 94-116. 10.4018/jisp.2012100105
- Baars,T., & Spruit,M. (2012). Designing a Secure Cloud Architecture: The SeCA Model. International Journal of Information Security and Privacy, 6(1), January-March 2012, 14-32. 10.4018/jisp.2012010102
- Omta,W., Egan,D., Spruit,M., & Brinkkemper,S. (2012). Information Architecture in High Throughput Screening. Procedia Technology, 5, 696-705. 10.1016/j.protcy.2012.09.077
- Wasmann,M., & Spruit,M. (2012). Performance Management within Social Network Sites: The Social Network Intelligence Process Method. International Journal of Business Intelligence Research, 3(2), April-June 2012, 49-63. 10.4018/jbir.2012040104
- Weeghel,R. van, & Spruit,M. (2012). Corporate Strategy Optimization for Dutch Notaries with the use of IT. International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications, 4(1), 317-325. regular_papers_2012/Paper34.pdf
- Wijaya,S., Spruit,M., Scheper,W., & Versendaal,J. (2011). Web 2.0-based Webstrategies for Three Different Types of Organizations. Computers in Human Behavior, 27(4), 1399-1407.
- Bebensee,T., Helms,R., & Spruit,M. (2011). Exploring Web 2.0 Applications as a Mean of Bolstering up Knowledge Management. Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management, 9(1), ECKM Special Issue, 1-9. index.php/ejkm/article/view/915
- Faase,R., Helms,R., & Spruit,M. (2011). Web 2.0 In The CRM Domain: Defining Social CRM. International Journal of Electronic Customer Relationship Management, 5(1), 1-2. 10.1504/IJECRM.2011.039797
- Bruijn,W. de, Spruit,M., & Heuvel,M. van der (2010). Identifying the Cost of Security. Journal of Information Assurance and Security, 5(1), 074-083. secured/Volume5-Issue1/Bruijn.pdf
- Vleugel,A., Spruit,M., & Daal,A. van (2010). Historical data analysis through data mining from an outsourcing perspective: the three-phases method. International Journal of Business Intelligence Research, 1(3), 42-65. 10.4018/jbir.2010070104
- Spruit,M. (2009). Towards linguistic knowledge discovery in language variation databases. Zeitschrift für Dialektologie und Linguistik, ZDL-Beiheft 138, Low Saxon Dialects across borders, 179-193. Low-Saxon-Dialects-across- borders-Niedersaechsische- Dialekte-ueber-Grenzen-hinweg/9783515093729
- Spruit,M., Heeringa,W., & Nerbonne,J. (2009). Associations among linguistic levels. Lingua, 119(11), The forests behind the trees, 1624-1642. 10.1016/j.lingua.2009.02.001
- Heeringa,W., Nerbonne,J., Bezooijen,R. van, & Spruit,M. (2007). Geografie en inwoneraantallen als verklarende factoren voor variatie in het Nederlandse dialectgebied. Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse taal- en letterkunde, 123(1), Kwantitatieve benaderingen in de taal- en letterkunde, 70-82. tntl/article/view/150
- Spruit,M. (2006). Measuring syntactic variation in Dutch dialects. Literary and Linguistic Computing, 21(4), Progress in Dialectometry: Toward Explanation, 493-506. 10.1093/llc/fql043
- Klaassen,W., Van Dijk,B., & Spruit,M. (Accepted). A Review of Challenges in Speech-based Conversational AI for Elderly Care. Medical Informatics Europe (MIE) 2025, Intelligent health systems - From technology to data and knowledge. 19-21 May 2025, Glasgow, Scotland. preprint
- Leito,R., Lefebvre,A., Van Dijk, B., & Spruit,M. (Accepted). A natural and unobtrusive conversation using a RASA-driven chatbot for monitoring the wellbeing of elderlies. Medical Informatics Europe (MIE) 2025, Intelligent health systems - From technology to data and knowledge. 19-21 May 2025, Glasgow, Scotland.
- Achterberg,J., Van Dijk,B., Islam,S., Waseem,M., Gallos,P., Epiphaniou,G., Maple,C., Haas,M., & Spruit,M. (Accepted). The Data Sharing Paradox of Synthetic Data in Healthcare. Medical Informatics Europe (MIE) 2025, Intelligent health systems - From technology to data and knowledge. 19-21 May 2025, Glasgow, Scotland.
- Van Dijk,B., Ul Islam,S., Achterberg,J., Muhammad Waseem,H., Gallos,P., Epiphaniou,G., Maple,C., Haas,M., & Spruit,M. (2024). A Novel Taxonomy for Navigating and Classifying Synthetic Data in Healthcare Applications. In Stoicu-Tivadar et al. (eds), Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 321, Collaboration across Disciplines for the Health of People, Animals and Ecosystems. EFMI Special Topic Conference (STC 2024) (pp. 259-263), 27-29 Nov 2024, Timisoara, Romania. 10.3233/SHTI241104
- Lefebvre,A., de Schipper,L., Haas,M., & Spruit,M. (2024). Empowering Translational Health Data Science Capabilities in Population Health Management A Case of Building a Data Competence Center. In van de Wetering et al. (Eds.): I3E 2024, 23rd IFIP Conference e-Business, e-Services, and e-Society (I3E 2024), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 14907. 11-13 September 2024, Heerlen, Netherlands. 10.1007/978-3-031-72234-9_33
- Gallos,P., Matragkas,N., Ul Islam,S., Epiphaniou,G., Hansen,S., Harrison,S., Van Dijk,B., Haas,M., Pappous,G., Brouwer,S., Torlontano,F., Farooq Abbasi,S., Pournik,O., Churm,J., Mantas,J., Luis Parra-Calderón,C., Petkousis,D., Weber,P., Dzingina,B., Mraidha,C., Maple,C., Achterberg,J., Spruit,M., Saratsioti,E., Moustaghfir,Y., & Arvanitis,T. (2024). INSAFEDARE Project: Innovative Applications of Assessment and Assurance of Data and Synthetic Data for Regulatory Decision Support. Studies in health technology and informatics, 316, 1193-1197. 34th Medical Informatics Europe Conference (MIE 2024), 25-29 Aug 2024, Athens, Greece.
- Haastrecht,M., Brinkhuis,M., & Spruit,M. (2024). Federated Learning Analytics: Investigating the Privacy-Performance Trade-Off in Machine Learning for Educational Analytics. In: Olney et al. (eds), Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED 2024), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 14830 (pp. 62-74). 8-12 July 2024, Recife, Brazil. 10.1007/978-3-031-64299-9_5
- Dijk,B. van, Duijn,M. van, Kloostra,L., Spruit,M., & Beekhuizen,B. (2024). Using a Language Model to Unravel Semantic Development in Children's Use of a Dutch Perception Verb. 8th Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of the Lexicon (CogALex@ LREC-COLING 2024) (pp. 98-106). 20 May 2024, Torino, Italy. 2024 - Dijk Duijn Kloostra Spruit Beekhuizen.pdf
- Wang,R., Verberne,S., & Spruit,M. (2024). Attend All Options at Once: Full Context Input for Multi-choice Reading Comprehension. In European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2024) (pp. 387-402). 24-28 March 2024, Glasgow, Scotland. Cham: Springer. 10.1007/978-3-031-56027-9_24
- Dijk, B., Kouwenhoven,T., Spruit,M., & Duijn, M. van (2023). Large Language Models: The Need for Nuance in Current Debates and a Pragmatic Perspective on Understanding. Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2023) (pp. 12641-12654). ACL. December 6-10, Singapore.
- Dijk, B., Duijn, M., Verberne,S., & Spruit,M. (2023). ChiSCor: A Corpus of Freely-Told Fantasy Stories by Dutch Children for Computational Linguistics and Cognitive Science. The SIGNLL Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNNL 2023) (pp. 352-363). ACL. December 6-7, Singapore. (best paper award)
- Duijn, M., Dijk, B., Kouwenhoven,T., Valk,W. de, Spruit,M., & Putten,P. van der (2023). Theory of Mind in Large Language Models vs. Children: Examining Non-Literal Language Comprehension and Recursive Intentionality. The SIGNLL Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNNL 2023) (pp. 389-402). ACL. December 6-7, Singapore.
- Dijk, B., Spruit,M., Duijn, M. (2023). Theory of Mind in Freely-Told Children's Narratives: A Classification Approach. Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2023) (pp. 12979-12993). ACL. 9-14 July, Toronto, Canada.
- Haastrecht,M., Brinkhuis,M., Peichl,J., Remmele,B., & Spruit,M. (2023). Embracing Trustworthiness and Authenticity in the Validation of Learning Analytics Systems. 13th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK 2023) (pp. 552-558). ACM. Arlington, Texas, USA. 10.1145/3576050.3576060
- Rijcken,E., Scheepers,S., Zervanou,K., Spruit,M., Mosteiro,P., Kaymak,U. (2023). Towards Interpreting Topic Models with ChatGPT. The 20th World Congress of the International Fuzzy Systems Association (IFSA 2023). Paper 20. Daegu, Korea, 20-24 Aug 2023. IFSA_InterpretingTopicModelsWithChatGPT.pdf
- Rijcken,E., Zervanou,K., Spruit,M., Scheepers,S., Kaymak,U. (2023). Effect of calculating Pointwise Mutual Information using a Fuzzy Sliding Window in Topic Modeling. 2023 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ 2023). Songdo Incheon, Korea, 13-17 Aug 2023. 10.1109/FUZZ52849.2023.10309675
- Sarhan,I., Mosteiro,P., & Spruit,M. (2022). UU-Tax at SemEval-2022 Task 3: Improving the generalizability of language models for taxonomy classification through data augmentation. Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2022) (pp. 271-281). SemEval 2022, 15 July 2022, Seattle, Washington, United States: ACL.
- Van Duijn,M., Van Dijk,B., & Spruit,M. (2022). Looking from the Inside: How Children Render Character's Perspectives in Freely Told Fantasy Stories. Proceedings of the 3rd Wordplay: When Language Meets Games Workshop (pp. 66-76). Wordplay 2022, 15 July 2022, Seattle, Washington, United States: ACL.
- Rijcken,E., Mosteiro,P., Zervanou,K., Spruit,M., Scheepers,F., & Kaymak,U. (2022). FuzzyTM: a Software Package for Fuzzy Topic Modeling. IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems 2022 (pp. 1-8). IEEE WCCI 2022: FUZZ-IEEE, 18-23 July, Padua, Italy: IEEE. 10.1109/FUZZ-IEEE55066.2022.9882661
- Rijcken,E., Zervanou,K., Spruit,M., Mosteiro,P., Scheepers,F., & Kaymak,U. (2022). Exploring Embedding Spaces for more Coherent Topic Modeling in Electronic Health Records. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (pp. 2669-2674). SMC 2022, Oct 9-12, 2022, Prague, Czech Republic: IEEE. 10.1109/SMC53654.2022.9945594
- Dijk,F. van, Spruit,M., Toledo,C. van, & Brinkhuis,M. (2021). Pillars of Privacy: Identifying Core Theory in a Network Analysis of Privacy. 29th European Conference on Information Systems. ECIS 2021, Marrakech, Morocco.
- Haastrecht,M. van, Sarhan,I., Shojaifar,A., Baumgartner,L., Mallouli,W., & Spruit,M. (2021). A Threat-Based Cybersecurity Risk Assessment Approach Addressing SME Needs. 16th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2021), International Workshop on Security and Privacy for SMEs (pp. Paper 230). SME-SP 2021 at ARES 2021, Aug 17-20, 2021, Vienna, Austria: ACM.
- Rijcken,E., Scheepers, Mosteiro,P., Zervanou,K., Spruit,M., & Kaymak,U.,F. (2021). A Comparative Study of Fuzzy Topic Models and LDA in terms of Interpretability. IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence. SSCI 2021, Dec 5-7, Orlando, Florida. 10.1109/SSCI50451.2021.9660139
- Spruit,M., & Vries,N. de (2021). Self-Service Data Science for Adverse Event Prediction in Electronic Healthcare Records. In Visvizi,A., Lytras,M., & Aljohani,N. (Eds.), Springer Proceedings in Complexity, Research and Innovation Forum 2020: Disruptive Technologies in Times of Change (pp. 517-535). RII 2020, April 17-19, Athens, Greece: Springer. 10.1007/978-3-030-62066-0_39
- Spruit,M., Dedding,T., & Vijlbrief,D. (2020). Self-Service Data Science for Healthcare Professionals: A Data Preparation Approach. Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2020) - Volume 5: HEALTHINF (pp. 724-734). HEALTHINF 2020, February 24-26, Valletta, Malta: ScitePress. 10.5220/0009169507240734
- Yigit Ozkan,B., & Spruit,M. (2020). Addressing SME Characteristics for Designing Information Security Maturity Models . In Clarke N., Furnell S. (Eds.), IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology: Human Aspects of Information Security and Assurance (pp. 161-174). HAISA 2020, 8-10 July, Online: IFIP. 10.1007/978-3-030-57404-8_13
- Toledo,C. van, Dijk,F. van, & Spruit,M. (2020). Evaluating Dutch Named Entity Recognition and De-identification Methods in the Human Resources Domain. In Wyld,D. et al. (Ed.), Proceedings of the International Conference on NLP Techniques and Applications (pp. 239-249). NLPTA 2020, 28-29 Nov 2020, London, United Kingdom: AIRCC Publishing Corporation.10.5121/csit.2020.101520
- Mosteiro,P., Rijcken,E., Zervanou,K., Kaymak,U., Scheepers,F., & Spruit,M. (2020). Making sense of violence risk predictions using clinical notes. In Huang,Z, Siuly,S., Wang,H., Zhou,R., & Zhang,Y. (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12435, Health Information Science: 9th International Conference (pp. 3-14). HIS 2020, Leiden: Springer. 10.1007/978-3-030-61951-0_1
- Spruit,M., & Meijers,S. (2019). Big Data for the Masses: The CRISP-DCW Method for Distributed Computing Workflows. In Visvizi,A., & Lytras,M. (Eds.), Springer Proceedings in Complexity, Research & Innovation Forum 2019 (pp. 325-341). RII 2019, Rome, Italy: Springer. 10.1007/978-3-030-30809-4_30
- Spruit,M., & Ferati,D. (2019). Applied Data Science in Financial Industry: Natural Language Processing Techniques for Bank Policies. In Visvizi,A., & Lytras,M. (Eds.), Springer Proceedings in Complexity, Research & Innovation Forum 2019 (pp. 351-367). RII 2019, Rome, Italy: Springer. 10.1007/978-3-030-30809-4_32
- Tawfik,N., & Spruit,M. (2019). UU_TAILS at 2019 MEDIQA Challenge: Learning Textual Entailment in the Medical Domain. Proceedings of the BioNLP 2019 workshop (pp. 493-499). BioNLP 2019, August 1, 2019, Florence, Italy: Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL).
- Tawfik,N., & Spruit,M. (2019). Towards Recognition of Textual Entailment in the Biomedical Domain. In Métais, E. et al. (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11608, NLDB 2019: International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems (pp. 368-375). NLDB 2019, University of Salford, MediaCityUK Campus, United Kingdom, 26-28 June 2019: Springer. 10.1007/978-3-030-23281-8_28
- Tawfik,N., & Spruit,M. (2019). PreMedOnto: A Computer Assisted Ontology for Precision Medicine. In Métais, E. et al. (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11608, NLDB 2019: International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems (pp. 329-336). NLDB 2019, University of Salford, MediaCityUK Campus, United Kingdom, 26-28 June 2019: Springer. 10.1007/978-3-030-23281-8_28
- Menger,V., Spruit,M., Klift,W. van der, & Scheepers,F. (2019). Using Cluster Ensembles to Identify Psychiatric Patient Subgroups. In Riaño,D., Wilk,S., & ten Teije,A. (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11526, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (pp. 252-262). AIME 2019, Poznan, Poland, June 26-29, 2019: Springer. 10.1007/978-3-030-21642-9_31
- Menger,V., Spruit,M., Bruin,J. de, Kelder,T., & Scheepers,F. (2019). Supporting Reuse of EHR Data in Healthcare Organizations: the CARED Research Infrastructure Framework. In Moucek,R., Fred,A., & Gamboa,H. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2019) - Volume 5 (pp. 41-50). HEALTHINF 2019, February 22-24, Prague, ScitePress.
- Lefebvre, A., & Spruit,M. (2019). Designing Laboratory Forensics. In Pappas,I. Mikalef,P., Dwivedi,Y., Jaccheri,L., Krogstie,J., Mäntymäki,M. (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11701, Digital Transformation for a Sustainable Society in the 21st Century, I3E 2019, Trondheim, Norway.
- Lefebvre,A., & Spruit,M. (2019). A Socio-Technical Perspective on Reproducibility Challenges in Research Data Management. Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems 2019 Proceedings, 10. Napels, Italy.
- Shen,Z., Wang,X., & Spruit,M. (2019). Big Data Framework for Scalable and Efficient Biomedical Literature Mining in the Cloud. International Conference Proceedings Series by ACM, NLPIR 2019: Proceedings of the 2019 3rd International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval (pp. 80-86). NLPIR 2019, Tokushima, Japan: ACM. 10.1145/3342827.3342843
- Shen,Z., & Spruit,M. (2019). LOCATE: A web application to link open-source clinical software with literature. In Moucek,R., Fred,A., & Gamboa,H. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2019) - Volume 5 (pp. 294-301). HEALTHINF 2019, February 22-24, Prague, ScitePress. 10.5220/0007378702940301
- Sarhan,I., & Spruit,M. (2019). Contextualized Word Embeddings in a Neural Open Information Extraction Model. In Métais, E. et al. (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11608, NLDB 2019: International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems (pp. 359-367). NLDB 2019, University of Salford, MediaCityUK Campus, United Kingdom, 26-28 June 2019: Springer. 10.1007/978-3-030-23281-8_31
- Yigit Ozkan,B., & Spruit,M. (2019). A Questionnaire Model for Cybersecurity Maturity Assessment for Critical Infrastructures. In Fournaris,A., Lampropoulos,K., & Tordera,E. (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 11398 11398, Information and Operational Technology Security Systems. First International Workshop, IOSec 2018, CIPSEC Project (pp. 49-60). IOSec 2018, 13 Sept 2018, Heraklion, Crete, Greece: Springer. 10.1007/978-3-030-12085-6_5
- Lefebvre,A., Schermerhorn,E., & Spruit,M. (2018). How research data management can contribute to efficient and reliable science. 26th European Conference on Information Systems, Portsmouth, UK.
- Syed,S., & Spruit,M. (2018). Selecting Priors for Latent Dirichlet Allocation. 12th IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (pp. 194-202). Laguna Hills, California, USA. 10.1109/ICSC.2018.00035
- Seddik Tawfik,N., & Spruit,M. (2018). Automated Contradiction Detection in Biomedical Literature. In Perner,P. (Ed.), 14th International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining (pp. 138-148). MLDM 2018, July 14-19, 2018, New York, NY, United States. 10.1007/978-3-319-96136-1_12
- Sarhan,I., & Spruit,M. (2018). Uncovering Algorithmic Approaches in Open Information Extraction: A Literature Review. In Atzmueller, M., & Duivesteijn,W. (Eds.), 30th Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence Preproceedings (pp. 223-234). BNAIC, November 8-9, 2018, 's-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands: Springer CSAI / JADS. publications/30th-benelux-conference-on- artificial-intelligence-bnaic-2018-pre
- Yigit Ozkan,B., & Spruit,M. (2018). Assessing and Improving Cybersecurity Maturity for SMEs: Standardization aspects. 1st SMESEC Workshop. 1st SMESEC Workshop, September 14, 2018. 10.48550/arXiv.2007.01751
- Luchies,E., Spruit,M., & Askari,M. (2018). Speech Technology in the Dutch Health Care: A Qualitative Study. 11th International Conference on Health Informatics (pp. 339-348). Funchal, Portugal. 10.5220/0006550103390348
- Zweth,J. van der, Askari,M., Spruit,M., & Nimwegen,C. van (2018). Devices used for non-invasive tele homecare for cardiovascular patients: A systematic literature review. 11th International Conference on Health Informatics (pp. 300-307). Funchal, Portugal. 10.5220/0006541603000307
- Brakenhoff,L., & Spruit,M. (2017). Consumer Engagement Characteristics in Mobile Advertising. Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (pp. 206-2014). KDIR 2017, November 1-3, 2017, Funchal, Portugal: ScitePress.
- Syed,S., & Spruit,M. (2017). Full Text or Abstract - Examining Topic Coherence Scores Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation. 4th IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (pp. 165-174). DSAA 2017, Oct 19-21, 2017, Tokyo, Japan: IEEE. 10.1109/DSAA.2017.61
- Meulendijk,M., Spruit,M., & Brinkkemper,S. (2017). Risk mediation in association rules: the case of decision support in medication review. In Teije,A. ten, Popow,C., Holmes,J., & Sacchi,L. (Eds.), LNAI 10259, 16th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (pp. 327 ff). AIME 2017, June 21-24, Vienna, Austria: Springer. 10.1007/978-3-319-59758-4_38
- Dijk,J. van, Bargh,M., Choenni,S., & Spruit,M. (2017). Maturing Pay-as-you-go Data Management: Towards decision support for paying the larger bills. In Helfert,M., Holzinger,A., Belo,O., & Francalanci,C. (Eds.), Data Management Technologies and Applications: 5th International Conference, DATA 2016, Revised Selected papers (pp. 102-124). Springer. 10.1007/978-3-319-62911-7_6
- Schalk,I van der, & Spruit,M. (2017). Sign-Lingo: Feasibility of a Serious Game for Involving Parents in the Language Development of their Deaf or Hearing Impaired Child. In Broek,E. van der, Fred,A., Gamboa,H., & Vaz,M. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2017) (pp. 191-198). HEALTHINF 2017, Febr 21-23, 2017, Porto, Portugal: SciTePress. 10.5220/0006056701910198
- Spruit,M., & Jagesar,R. (2016). Power to the People! Meta-algorithmic modelling in applied data science. In Fred,A. et al. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (pp. 400-406). KDIR 2016, November 11-13, 2016, Porto, Portugal: ScitePress. 10.5220/0006081604000406
- Syed,S., Spruit,M., & Borit,M. (2016). Bootstrapping a Semantic Lexicon on Verb Similarities. In Fred,A. et al. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (pp. 189-196). KDIR 2016, November 11-13, 2016, Porto, Portugal: ScitePress. 10.5220/0006036901890196
- Toledo,C. van, & Spruit,M. (2016). Adopting privacy regulations in a data warehouse: A case of the anonimity versus utility dilemma. In Fred,A. et al. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (pp. 234-239). KDIR 2016, November 11-13, 2016, Porto, Portugal: ScitePress. ProceedingsDetails.aspx?ID=IKmvnOTP0ag=
- Shen,Z., Meulendijk,M., & Spruit,M. (2016). A federated information architecture for multinational clinical trials: STRIPA revisited. 24th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Prototypes. 2. Istanbul, Turkey.
- Homberg,M. van den, Monné,R., & Spruit,M. (2016). Bridging the Information Gap: Mapping Data Sets on Information Needs in the Preparedness and Response Phase. In: Hostettler, S., Besson, S., Bolay, J. (eds), Technologies for Development, UNESCO 2016. 10.1007/978-3-319-91068-0_18
- Meulendijk,M., Spruit,M., Numans,M., Brinkkemper,S., & Jansen,P. (2015). STRIPA: a rule-based decision support system for medication reviews in primary care. 23rd European Conference on Information Systems (pp. Paper 29). ECIS 2015, 26-29 May, 2015, Münster, Germany.
- Buijs,M., & Spruit,M. (2015). Determining the Relative Importance of Webpages Based on Social Signals Using the Social Score and the Potential Role of the Social Score in an Asynchronous Social Search Engine. In Fred,A., Dietz,J., Aveiro,D., Liu,K., & Filipe,J. (Eds.), Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management - 6th International Joint Conference, IC3K 2014, Rome, Italy, October 21-24, 2014, Revised Selected Papers (pp. 118-131). ScitePress. 10.1007/978-3-319-25840-9_8
- Spruit,M., & Cepoi,A. (2015). CIRA: A competitive intelligence reference architecture for dynamic solutions. Proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (pp. 249-258). KDIR 2015, November 12-14, Lisbon, Portugal: ScitePress. 10.5220/0005597602490258
- Lefebvre,A., Spruit,M., & Omta,W (2015). Towards reusability of computational experiments: Capturing and sharing Research Objects from knowledge discovery processes. Proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (pp. 456-462). KDIR 2015, November 12-14, Lisbon, Portugal: ScitePress. 10.5220/0005631604560462
- Spruit,M., Visee,Y., & Jong,E. de (2015). DIA: het Docent-ICT Adoptie raamwerk - Verbinden van onderwijsvormen en onderwijstechnieken via onderwijstaken. Onderwijs Research Dagen 2015, Leiden. eerdere-onderwijs-research-dagen
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